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2x Fractal Design Define S
Das Define S Gehäuse ist mit einer Vielzahl von intelligenten Features ausgestattet und zeichnet sich durch ein großzügiges Raumangebot sowie ein außerordentlich leises Betriebsgeräusch aus. Auch beim Design gibt es keine Kompromisse, so kommt das Define S ebenfalls im eleganten, für die Define Serie typischen, skandinavischen Design.
The Fractal Design Define S lends the appearance, sound dampening technology, and support for a wide variety of components from the widely popular Define Series, while introducing a new, innovative internal layout. The Define S case is packed with intelligently designed enthusiast-oriented features delivering a silent case with powerful and expansive air and liquid cooling support, presented in a stunning Scandinavian inspired construction.
2x Fractal Design Focus G Mini
The Fractal Design Define S lends the appearance, sound dampening technology, and support for a wide variety of components from the widely popular Define Series, while introducing a new, innovative internal layout. The Define S case is packed with intelligently designed enthusiast-oriented features delivering a silent case with powerful and expansive air and liquid cooling support, presented in a stunning Scandinavian inspired construction.
2x Fractal Design Focus G Mini
Wir bedanken uns bei fractal desing für die wunderbaren Turnierpreise!
Es sind für die 44.VulkanLAN folgende Turniere geplant.
- League of Legends 5vs 5
- CS:GO 5vs5
- Overwatch 6vs6
- Hearthstone 1vs1
- Rocket League 3vs3
Zur Turnier Anmeldung.
Bethesda Softworks, part of the ZeniMax Media Inc. family of companies, is a worldwide publisher of interactive entertainment software. Titles featured under the Bethesda label include such blockbuster franchises as The Elder Scrolls®, DOOM®, QUAKE®, Fallout®, Wolfenstein®, Dishonored®, Prey® and RAGE®. For more information on Bethesda Softworks’ products, visit To visit the Bethesda merchandise store, visit
- 10x DOOM T-Shirts
- 10x Fallout 4 T-Shirts
- 10x Prey T-Shirts
- 10x Fallout 4 Mousepads
- 2x Fallout 4 Teppiche
- Soundtrack Fallout 4
Wir bedanken uns recht herzlich bei Bethesda für die tollen Turnierpreise!
Hier gehts weiter zur 44.VulkanLAN-Party Anmeldung.
Bethesda Softworks, part of the ZeniMax Media Inc. family of companies, is a worldwide publisher of interactive entertainment software. Titles featured under the Bethesda label include such blockbuster franchises as The Elder Scrolls®, DOOM®, QUAKE®, Fallout®, Wolfenstein®, Dishonored®, Prey® and RAGE®. For more information on Bethesda Softworks’ products, visit To visit the Bethesda merchandise store, visit
- 10x DOOM T-Shirts
- 10x Prey T-Shirts
+ jede Menge "Goodies" für die Teilnehmer ;)
Wir bedanken uns recht herzlich bei Bethesda für die tollen Turnierpreise!
Hier gehts weiter zur 46.VulkanLAN-Party Anmeldung.